WestCoast’s Commercial Sexual Exploitation-Identification Tool (CSE-IT, pronounced “see it”) is a validated screening tool that helps identify children who are commercially sexually exploited (CSE). The CSE-IT is appropriate for use by any provider serving youth, including child welfare workers, probation officers, mental health clinicians, and first responders. The CSE-IT is designed to improve early identification of youth who are experiencing commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) and human trafficking.
The CSE-IT is an evidence-based CSEC screening tool
This human trafficking screening tool was developed with the input of over 100 survivors and service providers. Moreover, the CSE-IT has been validated with data from a 15-month pilot to ensure that it accurately identifies youth who have clear indicators of exploitation. The CSE-IT has robust statistical and qualitative evidence to support its use.

Tool preview. To access the full tool, continue reading below.
Why use the CSE-IT?
Seventy-five percent of trafficked youth are exploited for multiple years before their abuse is recognized. Most are under age 14 when first exploited and do not self-identify as exploited. To protect youth from prolonged abuse, exploitation must be recognized early. Professionals who work with youth need a validated screening tool to accurately identify exploitation without relying solely on youth self-disclosure.
Who uses the CSE-IT?
The CSE-IT is widely used and well-liked by providers and system leaders. Since 2015, WestCoast has trained more than 11,000 providers in 230+ agencies in 24 states to use the CSE-IT as a universal screening tool in their agency. This includes child welfare agencies, juvenile probation departments, schools, and community-based organizations. These providers have used the CSE-IT to complete over 230,000 screenings. As a result, 1 in 10 youth show clear signs of exploitation and human trafficking.
CSE-IT Online
WCC has a web application for the CSE-IT, called CSE-IT Online, which features a more streamlined experience for staff and management, including:
- Client profiles with complete screening history
- Real-time data dashboard
- Other tools for managing and using screening data
How to start using the CSE-IT and CSE-IT Online
WestCoast provides training and technical support for agencies seeking to implement the CSE-IT. A three-hour user training is required prior to use. Please contact screening@westcoastcc.org to start a conversation about implementing the CSE-IT in your organization! We are available to provide a brief presentation to your leadership team or local anti-trafficking task force.
Register for an informational webinar to learn more about implementation and training!
The CSE-IT is an open domain tool for use in service delivery systems that serve children and youth. To implement the CSE-IT at your agency or access the CSE-IT, please inquire here. The copyright is held by WestCoast Children’s Clinic. Please do not use the CSE-IT without permission.
Additional information about the CSE-IT
- Validation Report of the CSE-IT
- Universal Screening Research Brief
- Prevalence of CSEC in Alameda County Research Brief
Contact screening@westcoastcc.org to request an informational call to discuss how to begin using the CSE-IT in your work.